
How Many Hours Of Yoga Teacher Training Should You Go For?

So, you have decided to pursue yoga? There may be many reasons behind your decision to do so. It could be either for your own self-development or you may be looking at a yoga teaching career. However, the moment you hit the search button, you will find numerous courses afloat all over the internet. You will mostly come across the 200 hours YTTC, 300 hours YTTC, and the 500 hours YTTC. Now, that is really confusing. Many of you might get lured by the comprehensiveness of the 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

So, let us decode each one of them, and give you some clarity. 

200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course 

You can join the 200 hours course, if you are a beginner, as it is the first step to becoming a yoga teacher. This will give you a broad introduction about the yogic realm. Here you will learn about all the basics of yoga. It includes subjects like asana, meditation, Pranayama, and Shatkarma kriyas. The course is aimed at learners who want to imbibe the knowledge of teaching others. Moreover, the theory part is also very important. You will be paying attention to anatomy, physiology, and philosophy. The course is mandatory for anyone who wants to become a teacher, or wants to improve his or her self-practice. 

The classes will be intensive as well. Moreover, you will be getting all the knowledge from the best RYT 500 qualified teachers. The background of yoga assumes a lot of importance here, as you will be getting introduced to the subject. You will learn how to comprehend all the knowledge, which you gain in this course. The rest of time will be spent in assisting teachers, to go about their class organization and support. The course covers most subjects under the realm, but at a basic level. After you complete the course, you can apply for RYT 200, which is considered as the basic qualification to start teaching yoga. 

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course 

Now, here is where you are likely to get jittery. This is basically an advanced level course, where you will be covering most of the subjects, as earlier. However, this time, your study will be more focussed. You will get an in-depth understanding of the realm. This is called the second level of professional yoga teacher training. And, you can only pursue this course, after you have completed the 200 hours of training. The 300 hours course builds on the foundation of the 200 hours course. 

Your knowledge about the practicalities of asana gets a new direction. You will also learn about alignments and variations in this advanced course. You will be also engaging in mantra chanting, which will add a whole new meaning to your life and career. Teaching methodology focuses on communication skills, teaching styles, and ethics. So, you get deeply involved in the teaching process. Self-practice has to go on continuously, as a teacher. You cannot give that a miss at any stage. After you complete the course, you can apply for the RYT 500, as you would be deemed to have completed 500 hours of yoga teacher training

500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course 

So, what is the 500 hours yoga teacher training course for? It is truly for all those who are only committed to yoga education. It is not for part-timers, or hobbyists. You need to devote yourself to this immersive course that takes two months to complete. This is a fast-track course, as you are supposed to engage in yogic activities for around 8-9 hours daily, for two months. Your lifestyle will only revolve around yoga, meditation, cleansing, Pranayama, and mantra chanting to name a few. 

If you have a long vacation, then you can surely join this immersive course in Bali. The island has all the facilities that one longs for. You will be able to de-clutter your life and find solace in all that you do. This is a holistic course, which offers you a combination of basic as well as advanced knowledge. So, you become seasoned after two months and are ready to take on the world. But, self-practice is important. You cannot give that a miss. After you complete this combined course, you can apply for RYT 500. This is regarded as the highest qualification till date, in the realm of yoga. Bali Yoga Retreats has the right environment, where you can immerse yourself both physically, mentally as well as spiritually. 


You can join the immersive 500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course, if your life’s direction is yoga. It also depends on your other commitments. You will surely undergo total transformation after the completion of the course from the renowned Bali Yoga Retreats. The school will make it possible to gain knowledge in a holistic manner. Bali is the place to be, as it is still unadulterated and nature is at its best. You can develop that connection with Mother Earth, on this island. So, stop thinking and enrol for the course now!

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